Training Program Title

This comprehensive program covers a wide range of topics, from the fundamentals of urban transit planning to advanced strategies for enhancing operational efficiency. Participants will benefit from expert-led sessions, practical workshops, and interactive discussions, ensuring a well-rounded learning experience tailored to the needs of today’s transit professionals.

Our training course also emphasizes the importance of innovation and sustainability in urban transit. By exploring cutting-edge technologies and sustainable practices, attendees will learn how to implement solutions that not only improve service delivery but also contribute to the broader goals of environmental responsibility and community well-being. Join us to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving field of urban transit and to network with peers who share a commitment to advancing public transportation in Canada.

If you have any questions or would like to know more about the CUTA Training Course, please feel free to contact us at [email protected]


Learning Outcomes

Upon completing the Canadian Urban Transit Association (CUTA) Training Course, participants will have gained a deep understanding of the core principles and best practices in urban transit planning and management. They will be equipped with the skills to

  • Analyze and solve complex transit issues
  • Optimize route planning
  • Enhance service efficiency.

Additionally, learners will develop a strategic mindset, enabling them to contribute to long-term transit development projects and policy-making processes effectively.


Target Audience

The CUTA Training Course is designed for a diverse audience, including transit professionals, urban planners, and policymakers involved in public transportation. It is ideal for mid to senior-level managers seeking to enhance their strategic and operational skills, as well as new professionals entering the field who require a solid foundation in urban transit principles. Additionally, the program benefits government officials, consultants, and stakeholders interested in the latest innovations and sustainable practices in urban transit systems.

Register Now

Visit CUTA’s EventBrite page to explore all the currently available courses and find the perfect program to advance your skills and knowledge in urban transit. Register for our upcoming events tailored to the needs of transit professionals.


Request Training

CUTA schedules training programs based on demand. Send us a training request to let us know you are interested in getting trained and be the first to get notified when our programs go live.

Request Training

Course Structure

Each course will be divided into three areas of focus:

  • Module 1: BEB Fleet Specification and Procurement
  • Module 2: BEB Infrastructure Project Delivery
  • Module 3: Planning and Scheduling for a BEB and Transitioning Fleet

Each course will be delivered virtually with guided facilitation and include time for theory, project/group work, and general discussions and networking.


Course 1: BEB Implementation Training for Planners and Schedulers

  • Introduction: Electric Bus vs. Diesel Bus
  • Module 1: BEB Fleet Specification and Procurement for Planners and Schedulers
  • Module 2: BEB Infrastructure Project Delivery for Planners and Schedulers
  • Module 3: Planning and Scheduling for a BEB and Transitioning Fleet

Course 2: BEB Implementation Training for Fleet Professionals

  • Introduction: Electric Bus vs. Diesel Bus
  • Module 1: BEB Planning and Scheduling for Fleet Owners and Maintainers​
  • Module 2: BEB Infrastructure Project Delivery for Fleet Owners and Maintainers​
  • Module 3: Specifying and Purchasing a BEB

Course 3: BEB Implementation Training for Infrastructure Professionals

  • Introduction: Electric Bus vs. Diesel Bus
  • Module 1: BEB Planning and Scheduling for Infrastructure Owners and Maintainers​
  • Module 2: BEB Fleet Specification and Procurement for Planners and Schedulers​
  • Module 3: Infrastructure Project Delivery in a BEB context​


“The CUTA Training Course was a game-changer for my career in transit planning. The expert-led sessions and hands-on workshops provided me with practical skills and innovative strategies that I could immediately apply to my work. I highly recommend this program to anyone looking to advance in the field.”

– Jennifer Smith, Urban Transit Planner at CityTransit Solutions


“The CUTA Training Course exceeded my expectations with its comprehensive curriculum and engaging instructors. I left the program with a deeper understanding of sustainable transit practices and a valuable network of industry professionals. It’s a must-attend for anyone serious about making a positive impact in urban transit.”

– Michael Thompson, Senior Transit Manager at MetroUrban Transit.


“Participating in the CUTA Training Course was an invaluable experience. The blend of theoretical knowledge and practical application gave me the confidence to tackle complex transit challenges. The connections I made with peers and experts have been instrumental in my professional growth.”

– Emily Rodriguez, Transportation Policy Advisor at GreenCity Innovations.”

Course Structure

Join the growing number of professionals who have advanced their careers and contributed to the evolution of public transportation through our esteemed training course.

  • 2

  • 500+

  • 50+

Participants of the CUTA Training Course come from excellent transit systems and companies from across Canada.

   Halifax Transit