The Transit Code

A National Initiative for Safe, Respectful Transit

The Transit Code is a nationwide campaign for safety, security, and respect on public transit. In partnership with Halifax Transit, the Canadian Urban Transit Association (CUTA) has adapted Halifax’s successful code to create a unified standard for respectful and inclusive transit environments across Canada. The Transit Code is built on three core pillars: safety, courtesy and respect.

The campaign is design for sharing across social and digital platforms and to be adopted by Canadian transit agencies to compliment the work they are doing to support the passenger safety, security and good etiquette on public transit. The campaign compliments the respective the passenger policies in place on Canada’s public transit systems.


About The Transit Code

The Transit Code sets the tone for transit etiquette and safety, creating a welcoming and secure environment for everyone.

Passenger Courtesy +

Being considerate to your fellow passengers will help to ensure that everyone, including yourself, has a positive transit experience. Follow these tips to keep public transit rolling smoothly:

  • Have the correct fare (ticket, pass or cash) ready ahead of time.
  • Allow people to get off the bus before boarding.
  • Stand behind the yellow line on the floor of the bus and refrain from lengthy conversations with the operator.
  • Always move to the back of the bus when boarding and upon operator request to accommodate as many passengers as possible.
  • Do not block or stand in doorways. This is for your safety and to allow other passengers to enter and exit quickly.
  • Share seats with those who may require them and if possible, offer your seat to a person who might need it, such as a senior citizen, a small child, a pregnant person, or a passenger with a disability.
  • Ride quietly and respect the privacy and rights of other passengers.
  • Remove your backpack while on the bus and hold it in front of you to avoid accidently bumping into other passengers as you pass.
  • Do not take up seats with backpacks, bags, or personal belongings, and keep aisles free of items.
  • Do not lie down or spread out on seats or benches provided for passengers waiting to board.
  • Respect those around you by keeping cell phone conversations to a minimum and at a low volume.
  • Use headphones when listening to music or personal audio and keep the volume down.
  • Avoid wearing strongly scented perfumes and products for the sake of fellow passengers with allergies and scent sensitivities.

Prohibited Conduct +

The following is not tolerated on public transit vehicles or properties:

  • Behaviour that threatens the safety of others or the safe operation of transit vehicles
  • Threats or assaults
  • Harassment of any kind
  • Discrimination based on protected characteristics (such as age, race gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, disability or religion)
  • Loitering or soliciting
  • Use of profanity
  • Excessive noise or disorderly conduct
  • Consumption or distribution of alcoholic beverages or illegal substances
  • Use of tobacco, cannabis, and e-cigarettes in non-designated areas
  • Carrying of firearms or dangerous materials
  • Littering, vandalism, or graffiti


The Transit Code’s Eight Core Principles

CUTA - Transit Code 8 Principles Sign


Join Us in Building Respectful Transit Spaces

The Transit Code is more than just a set of guidelines—it’s a shared commitment to fostering a respectful, inclusive environment on Canada’s public transit systems. By embracing this code, you play an essential role in making public transit safe and enjoyable for all.